Sunday, May 17, 2020

Difference Between Drug Use And Drug Abuse - 1515 Words

Explain what is meant by the â€Å"drug abuse continuum†? Explain each of the levels on the continuum. How does the continuum help to explain the difference between drug use and drug abuse? Drug abuse continuum is referred to the stages of substances abuse and usage. This theory is to assess where a person is at in their drug abuse. It helps rate, which treatment is proper, if needed. The stages defined in the continuum are non-use, experimental use, and culturally endorsed us. They are also known as social use, recreational use and compulsive use, which is dependent. The non-use stage is where a person has made the choice, or decision to not, take any sort of substance for personal, health or cultural reasons. The experimental use is where a person has begun to explore substances, and is only experimenting now just to ease curiosity. The culturally endorsed users are usually members of a culture, which accept and encourage the continued drug use. The recreational use stage i s only a stage where substances are social or casually used, typically used during an event. In the compulsive use stage, users have become regular and frequent users, due to becoming dependent on the substance. When they do not have any substance consummation, they experience negative effects and withdrawals. This user spends a lot of time and energy obtain and using drugs. This user is known as a drug abuser. 2. a) Give a one-sentence explanation of each of the three categories of psychoactive drugsShow MoreRelatedDrug and Alcohol Use by Student Athletes Essay1057 Words   |  5 PagesDrug and Alcohol Use by Student Athletes The topic that I have chosen is student athletes use of drugs and alcohol. Im interested to see if the old theory that student athletes tend to stay away from these things still holds true today. From my own personal experience as a former high school and college football player, I doubt that this is true. 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