Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Idea Of Jesus Dying For Sin - 1418 Words

Is the idea of Jesus â€Å"dying for sin† barbaric† or â€Å"outmoded†? (Choose one.) Why or why not? I disagree with the idea of Jesus dying for sin as being an outmoded concept. Throughout history, we see over and over again of people giving up everything, including their lives, for the greater good. A person dying for what they believe in is not outdated, but the actual act of dying in such a horrific way, however, is barbaric in its nature. The entire crucifixion is one of many disgusting acts that humanity has done to each other. I’m taking the phrase â€Å"outmoded† to mean outdated and no longer relevant to our world today. The phrase â€Å"barbaric† means to be exceedingly cruel, brutal, and atrocious in its very nature. According to the Bible,†¦show more content†¦All my bones are on display; people stare and gloat over me.† 2 This sounds eerily like the type of execution that Jesus endured. For him, there was no quest ion of enduring that kind of pain in order to save the people. Despite the question of Jesus truly being the Messiah, he fully believed that he was sent to bring about the Kingdom of God and fulfill the covenant. Historically, the time period that Jesus was sentence to a crucifixion was reserved for the serious criminals. Rick Renner analyzed the facts surrounding the death of Jesus Christ. He stated â€Å"Crucifixion was indisputably one of the cruelest and most barbaric forms of punishment in the ancient world. Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian, described crucifixion as â€Å"the most wretched of deaths.† It was viewed with such horror that in one of Seneca’s letters to Lucilius, Seneca wrote that suicide was preferable to crucifixion.† Getting into some of the gory details, Jesus literally had a five-inch iron nail through each wrist into the wood of the crossbeam. Then he was hoisted up with a rope that dropped into a groove creating even more pain in the hands and wrists. The weight of his body caused his arms to pop out of their sockets. Then the feet were nailed down as well. Slowly, all of his joints would dislocate. â€Å"When he was finally too exhausted and could no longer push himself

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